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late introduction is late

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Post by Invisible Ink Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:26 am

First of all- hi! :3
I hope there will be new members that generally don't know me so I shall write this for them as a little get-to-know.

I'm a random writer from Zagreb [Croatia] that is for some reason opsessed with Nikola Tesla and Dr.Who...
Here you will probably find some of my finest work such as Tesla fan fiction, MLP fan fiction and whatever I will write and post here. *logic me is logic

I also enjoy roleplaying so I will probably join any roleplay that will be made...Unless it's about animals, Twillight, HP or 1D...

Okay, no need to welcome me lol. This is just another spam made from boredom...mmkay. bye now I have to tumblr.

late introduction is late Tumblr_lw9jc2uVJp1qmwwcq
Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

Posts : 195
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : hotelska soba 3327

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late introduction is late Left_bar_bleue100/100late introduction is late Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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