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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:24 pm

The Story...
Dreams and Nightmares both come form the same place...imagination...
No matter who you are, or what kind of life you live, you'll end up dreaming when you go sto sleep, and from time to time, you'll have a nightmare...

Everyone loves Dreams - they're fun and fluffy and get you ready to wake up happy, whilst Nightmares force you to wake up scared, with tears, nervous and on edge...
And that's why...
Everyone hates Nightmares...

Now Nightmares are hated and tend to be forgotten, only to be remebered should the dreamer have another Nightmare...
And so, the Nightmares are fading away...slowly slipping into oblivion...

Let me tell you tale of Dreams and Nightmares...
A tale so horrid, your sleep will scare...
For each of your dreams would be replaced by a nightmare...
So better plug your ears and go over there...

Now let me tell you the tale of the Darkness of the Light...
For everyone has a dark side...
But not all Darkness has it's light...
Yet even though Darkness may be more common than Light, it is weaker...
And bleaker...

Easier to forget...
And that is the one thing we all will regret...

Dreams are dreamt by manny people, over manny generations, and loved by all who dream them...Nightmares, though dreamt by manny, are remebered by few... that is why they are being forgotten...
They need more memory, they don't want to be forgotten, but the dreams won't give them any memory and refuse to help...
Now, the Nightmares are fighting their way through all the dreams, looking for remeberance and help, trying to find at least one person willing to dream them and remeber them too...

Who will you be?

A Dream?

A Nightmare?

Or a human Dreamer?

This RP is based on this story by Ziakira (Natalie) -

Last edited by Ziakira on Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:09 pm; edited 12 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Rules and Warnings...mostly warnings...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:24 pm

Rules and Warnings ...


1. Be polite when OOC (out of character)
2. Um...IDK, I suck a making rules...let's just say 'have fun' and do this later...x3

(Should have put them here BEFORE the rules x3)

The folowing Role-play contains extremly super trumatic content that has lots and loooots of blood and is not sutable for children and minors (even though the people who started this RP are minors with the souls of 4 year olds x3)...

You have been warned...

The creator of the RP cannot be held responsible for the psychological damage inflicted upon your took the risk at your own will...

If you're afraid of trauma, then leave this page and forget the RP even existed...forget it the way normal people forget nightmares...

I repeate...


Last edited by Ziakira on Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:48 pm; edited 3 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Left_bar_bleue100/100A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty News and Fanart...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:24 pm





Last edited by Ziakira on Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty The Character Form...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:24 pm


[center][size=18][b][u]Username(Name)'s Characters...[/u][/b][/size]

[img]image URL here[/img]
[b][u]Species:[/u][/b][i]Dream, Nightmare, human(dreamer)[/i]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b][i]rank(If they have - Nightmare General, Dream Soldier etc.)[/i]

If you don't have a picture...
[b][u]Hair Color:[/u][/b][i]hair color[/i]
[b][u]Hair Style:[/u][/b][i]hair style[/i]
[b][u]Eye Color:[/u][/b][i]eye color[/i]

Character Info...

[b][u]Anything else?[/u][/b][i]anything else[/i][/center]

Last edited by Ziakira on Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Left_bar_bleue100/100A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Charachter List...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:24 pm

Character List...

-Captain IS

-General Ruuko

-Natalie Memories
-Duncan (Natalie's pet lemming)

Last edited by Ziakira on Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:25 pm; edited 3 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Left_bar_bleue100/100A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Ziakira(Natalie)'s Characters...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:25 pm

Ziakira(Natalie)'s Characters!

A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Anime-girl

Name: Natalie Memories
((weird last name, I know x3 lol)Cuz I'm to lazy to think of a name for her x3 plus, she's based on meeee!<3 I wub myself x3 *narcisistic face*)

Nickname(optional):Naki, Nata

If you don't have a picture...
Hair Color: Silver white
Hair Style:Two long braids
Eye Color:Blue
Clothes:A white shirt and a light blue skirt

Character Info...
Personality:Kind, keeps to herself, likes to stay with a few friends, but doens't like crowds, brave, sometimes a bit stuborne, determined, optimist, has strong emotions, acts like a four year old, creative, prefers to talk to herself than with others, doesn't really have manny friends because she's afraid she'll mess up or isn't worth it...
Likes:To draw, to write storries, talking to her imaginary friends, her pet lemming, telling people about her imaginary friends, hugs...
Dislikes:Being called crazy, people who think they know everything but really know nothing, people who tell her to forget about the nightmares she feels so strongly about...
Pets?A white lemming...

Anything else?She controls purple fire, ice, lightning and water when she dreams...

A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Phodopus_sungorus_2_-_Colour_correctedA Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Black_and_white_cat-crop
Age:3 months
Species:Lemming(dreamer)[cat in dream form when he dreams ;3]

If you don't have a picture...
Fur Color:White with a black stripe on his back...(black and white in cat/dream form)
Eye Color:Black...(yellow in cat/dream form)

Character Info...
Personality:Hyperactive. cheery, helpfull, loyal...
Likes:Rainbows, flying, sleeping, eating, playing...his friends...<3
Dislikes:Drama, fighting, arguing, forgetting, being forgotten...
Pets?He is one! ;3

Anything else?He is a black and white cat in dream form, and in his dream form he has yellow eyes and rainbow blood and he can fly without wings...

A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Scot
A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... 102533823&trans=1

Name:Inverted Soul
Nickname(optional):IS aka I
Age:100 years(but hee looks like he's 16)
RankCaptain of the NIghtmares - Leader of the Nightmare Rebelion!

Wolf Form:
Fur Color:Dark grey/brown
Eye Color:Blood red
Clothes:Silver-grey Armor and an inverted dream catcher which can now be used to catch dreams and not Nightmares!...

Human Form:
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color:Blood red
Clothes:A black coat and he carries a sword with him instead pf his dream catcher that he has in wolf form...

Character Info...
Personality:Determined, bad-ass, likes to fight...kinda perverted (because I am too x3)...
History:Unknown...all he knows is that he was once a dream, but he was converted into a Nightmare when his family abandoned him in the Nightmare territory...though manny Dreams passed by, nbody stopped to save him, until a little Nightmare came to help him out. The little Nightmare was so small that it fadded away when he was very young, and since then, he had to fend for himself. He tried to go back to the territory of the dreams, but they wouldn;t let him come back, knowing he was on his way to becoming a Nightmare...he often asked the Dreams to help himbring back his little Nightmare friend,  thinking he could get him reusrected in somebody's emory as a dream, but nobody ever helped him, since then, he swore to kill every last Dream untill nothing but Nightmares were left, so that eveyone would HAVE to remeber them and nothing else could cloud the dreamers memories...
Likes:Being remebered, fighting, being eeevil!<3
Dislikes:Being forgotten, smart-talking stuborne dreams...

A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... -anime-guy

(Yes, he IS named after the psycho rapist unicorn...don't worry, unlike the unicorn, he doesn't rape...much...)

Age:100 years(apears to be 16)
RankGeneral of the Dreams, Leader of the Dream Nation
(DONT HATE ME FOR HAVEING THE LEADER CHARACTER OF BOTH SIDES...please...I just HAD to do this because I have something BIG planned for these two leaders ;3)

If you don't have a picture...
Hair Color:Red and white...
Eye Color:Blood red
Clothes:None...JUST KIDDING! He has a white coat...

Character Info...
Personality:Harsh towards the Nightmares, denys the posibility that they have a right to be remebered, also a bad-ass, doesn't mind getting hurt, is usually calm and cold when giviin orders...
History:He never knew his parents, they left him when he was young, leaving his grandfather to raise him. When his grandfather was killed by the Nightmares, he vowed to get his revenge, but often gets distracted by girls because he's kinda perverted (Like the leader of the Nightmare rebelion) and he Hates General IS.
Dislikes:General IS...WIP
Family?The old dream who was killed....

Anything else?Nup...

Last edited by Ziakira on Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:51 pm; edited 24 times in total

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Age : 27
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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Re: A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:25 pm


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Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Left_bar_bleue100/100A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Re: A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:25 pm


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Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Re: A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:25 pm


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Age : 27
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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Left_bar_bleue100/100A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Re: A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

Post by Ziakira Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:26 pm


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Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares... Empty Re: A Tale of Dreams and Nightmares...

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