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The Injection

Invisible Ink
Of a Wolf's Howl
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The Injection Empty The Injection

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:25 pm

The Story...

After WWIII, in a post apocalyptic world, the last two nations are fighting for survival...Their names have been forgotten, and are now only known by their location - North and South...
Food is scarce, so scientists have found a new way to get nourishment - by injecting a special liquid into your blood once a day.

The two presidents who rule these neo-nations are the only ones with the access to real now, only the government, their friends and families can eat normally, thus creating an upper class allowed to eat normal food.
They all have a 'food pass' which allows them to legally eat whatever they want, as much as they want, whenever they want to, anyone caught eating without a food pass is immediately sentenced to death and executed, sometimes with a brief trial, more often without...

Then, the scientists found out a disturbing thing - the injections used to replace food weren’t working properly, and they never would, If someone live entirely off shots, they would die considerably younger than if they ate normal food.

Given the fact that this could not bet fixed, and that the scientists were a part of the upper class as well, most of them kept this a secret to the lower class, but some have joined the rebels who have sworn to kill all four presidents and live in peace where everyone can eat, or at least eat a little besides the shots, since that would help with prolonging your life...

So long as everyone was equal, things would be okay, but at this time, things were not okay...

And where do you fit in with all of this?

Are one of the presidents trying to control the people, one of the 'nobles' trying to eat everything before someone else does, one of the scientists, trying to keep the injections a secret, or one of the rebels, trying to stop the presidents because you know it's wrong, even if the injections did work's wrong...

And you can make a difference...

Rules and Warnings ...


1. Be polite when OOC (out of character)
2. Um...IDK, I suck a making rules...let's just say 'have fun' and do this later...x3

(Should have put them here BEFORE the rules x3)

The folowing Role-play contains extremly super trumatic content that has everyithing from blood to...the other liquid...and is not sutable for children and minors (even though the people who started this RP are minors with the souls of 4 year olds x3)...

You have been warned...

The creator of the RP cannot be held responsible for the psychological damage inflicted upon your took the risk at your own will...

If you're afraid of trauma, then leave this page and forget the RP even existed...

I repeate...


The Map

The Injection Untitl10

Map Description


-The North of the Center of the Northlands - The Presiden't house (the Blue House (Like da White House in America ;3))
-Surounding the Blue House are Upper class homes, there is a wall around the upper-class district, keeping it separated from the lower class district...
-The Food Inc. is located in the upper-class district, nearby the Blue House.
-Surounding the upper class homes are lower class homes, there is a wall deviding them from the upper-class district...
-The rebels hideout is in a tunnel nearby the lab in the desert, and East of the lab is where their underground hideout is located at, but the President's people don't know this...
-To the SOTUH end of the NORTH nation ther is a desert, and that's where the lab is - isolated behind a glass dome...

The Desert

-Northern Laboratory protected by a glass dome...
-East of the Northern lab there is the Northern rebels underground hideout of which no-one knows about...
-Southren Laboratory protected by an electric forcefield - anything that comes within 500 metersof the lab will be electro shocked unless they pass through the front gate which is always locked.
-West of the Southern lab is where the Southern rebe;s are hiding. There is a long underground tunnel contecting their hideout with the hideout of the Northern rebels, this tunnel goes underneeth the labs, but it's too risky to make tunnels to the labs, though it would be possible for someone to escpae fromthe lab by digging their way to the rebels tunnel...


-The rebels hideout is in a tunnel nearby the lab in the desert, and West of the lab is where their underground hideout is located at, but the President's people don't know this...
-To the NORTH end of the SOUTH nation ther is a desert, and that's where the lab is - isolated with an electric force field...
-The South of the Center of the Southlands - The Presiden't house (the Red House (Like the Blue House or da White House in America ;3))
-Surounding the Red House are Upper class homes, there is a wall around the upper-class district, keeping it separated from the lower class district...
-The Food Inc. is located in the upper-class district, nearby the Red House.
-Surounding the upper class homes are lower class homes, there is a wall deviding them from the upper-class district...

Last edited by Ziakira on Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:58 pm; edited 16 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

RP character
Happiness meter:
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The Injection Empty News and Fanart...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:26 pm




Nina X Tom (AKA Tona) - By Ziakira (Natek) OKAY! I KNOW IT SUCKS! But at least I tried... :3

The Injection Tomxni13


Arseniy X Neo (AKA Arseneo) - By Ziakira (Natek) - Yes, I know I can;t draw...forgive me... ;___;

The Injection Aresni10

Last edited by Ziakira on Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:04 pm; edited 14 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

RP character
Happiness meter:
The Injection Left_bar_bleue100/100The Injection Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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The Injection Empty The Character Form and a List of the Characters...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:34 pm

The Form...

Character Form:



[img]image URL here[/img]

[b]Name:[/b] <insert name here>
[b]Nickname(optional):[/b]<insert nickname here>
[b]Age:[/b]<insert age here>
[b]Gender:[/b]<insert gender here>
[b]Species:[/b]<unlike in the original RP, they have to have a human form, eg. Vampire, Were-wolf or something like that...>
[b]Nation:[/b]<North, South, East or West?>
[b]Rank:[/b]<Scientist(secretly a rebel or not?), President, Upper-class,Lower-class,Rebel>

If you don't have a picture...

[b]Hair Color:[/b]<insert here>
[b]Hair Style:[/b]<insert here>
[b]Eye Color:[/b]<insert here>
[b]Clothes:[/b]<insert here>

Character Info...

[b]Personality:[/b]<insert here>
[b]History:[/b]<insert here>
[b]Likes:[/b]<insert here>
[b]Dislikes:[/b]<insert here>

[u]Anything else?[/u]

Character List...


Presidential Family:
-Tabitha Waterson - The President
-Deangelo(Jongdae) - Tabitha's son

-Dexter Anderson - Head Scientist
-Thomas Anderson (Consaidering joining the rebels)
-Nina Kolowska (Considering Joining the rebels)

-Raphael (One of the President's Top Assassins)


-Neo - Their Leader
-Jade van Dawnn - Neo's right hand
-Deangelo (secretly)
-Nightingale - Aresniy Desyanov Beliberdiyev (Арсений Десянoв Белибердиев)
-Thomas Anderson (Undecided)
-Nina Kolowska (Undecided)


Presidential Family:




-Juliette Michaelis
-Huntress (Dianne)
-Colton (Experiment 005729)

Last edited by Ziakira on Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:38 pm; edited 17 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

RP character
Happiness meter:
The Injection Left_bar_bleue100/100The Injection Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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The Injection Empty Ziakira/Natek's Charaters

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:03 pm

Ziakira - Natalie

The Injection Bth_KagamineLen12

Name: Thomas Anderson
Nickname (optional): Tom, but if you call him Tommy,you're dead, LITERALY! FEAR HIM! FEEEEAR HIIIIM!
Species: Human
Nation: North
Rank:Scientist, but he is secretly considering joining the rebels...

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:Dark brown
Eye Color:Green!
Clothes:Lab coat when working, at home he wears black or white T-shirts, and sometimes he wears his olive green raincoat when he goes for a walk.

Character Info...

Personality: Kind, a bit shy sometimes, determined, dislikes drama, prefers to stay calm, but can get mad if the situation calls for it...
History: He and his older brother grew up in and Upper class family, though his brother wanted to be an artist, their parents forced him into getting a job for the president, when the time came for Tom to get a job, he, too, was forced by his parents into getting a job for the president, only Tom never stopped drawing and painting, and that's why his brother hated him becaus he was jealous that he didn't do the same. Now, Tom's brother got promoted, while Tom is considering becming a rebel...
Likes: Coffee, Ice-cream, Nina!<3 (But don't tell her! x3), nice people...Kitties!
Dislikes: His brother, the class diference, tea with no sugar...
Pets? None...
Family? Dexter Anderson
Love/Like? Nina...dun tell her, okay? IF YOU DO, YOU'LL DIE!


The Injection Konachancom-71425brown_eyesbrown_hairhibari_kyouyakatekyou_hitman_rebornmaleshort_hair

Name: Dexter Anderson
Nickname: Dex. Everyone calls him that... ;3 don't worry, unlike his brother, he won't murder you if you call him by his nickname...
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species:Human! x3
Nation: North...
Rank: Head Scientist...

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color: Balck
Hair Style: Short
Eye Color: One blue, one green...
Clothes: He always has a black suit...and it creeps me out for some odd reason x3..he also ALWAYS has sun glasses on...very rarely does he take them off...EVEN INSIDE WHEN ITS RAINING AND THERE IS NO SUN!!! 0_o

Character Info...

Personality: Mysterious, cold, vengeful, scarred soul (scarred as in scar, not scare as in scared x3), denys his emotions...
History: He always wanted to be an artis, but his parents thought it best for him to work for the president, so he listened to their advice, and gave up on art, he convinced himself he didn;t even like art, but he did, and so when his brother continued with his artistic adventures, he was insanly jealous, and convinced himself that he had yto be a better scientist than he was, and so he got promoted to head scientist of the Northern Nation...however, he still hates his brother and is still trying to figure out how to make himself feel better about it...
Likes: Tea, cake, art (but he denys it), Maybe kind of likes Nina, but probably only because he suspects that Tom likes her...he also thinks he likes his parents and his job...
Dislikes:Tom (or so he thinks), His parents and his job, though he denys this to himself...
Pets? None...
Family? Thomas Anderson...
Love/Like? Nina, though he probably only kinda likes her because he wants to spite Tom...Though he thinks Tabitha's hawt he keeps thinking about Nina...because he hates Tom...oh, gawd da dramaaaaa! ANd I wanted traumaaa!


The Injection Hot_anime_emo_vampire_by_emotay

Name: Neo...just Neo...BUT IS THAT REALLY HIS REAL NAME? I iz not tellin' u...
Species:Electric elemental, baisically a human who can control electricity, only his electricity is blood red lightning not the regular blue lightning... x3 <3
Rank:Leader of the Rebels...

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:Black
Hair Style:Long and shaggy and he has bangs too<3
Eye Color:blood red...<3
Clothes:He wears a black shirt and black pants all the matches his hair!<3

Character Info...

Personality: Determined, can be short tempered at times, sometimes worries to much, can be stuborne, but is overal a nice guy who'd die to protect his friends and their freedom...<3 he's also a bad-a$$ (with dollar signs because it's cooler x3) and sexy when he starts shooting the crap out of the president's army...<3
History:WE DON'T KNOW! 0_o
Likes:Lightning, rainbow ice cream, freedom, justice, HIS FRIENDS!<3
Dislikes: Both presidents, the scientists and their injection project, the upper class...AND HE HATES SUN SETS!
Pets? None...
Family? We dun know...probably none...he is *forever alone* ;_______;
Love/Like? I repeat - He. Is. Forever. Alone. FOREVER! Alone...
Though there was this girl he liked but she got killed for eating normal food and thats why he joined the rebels in the frist place and he was so determined that he eventually became the leade rof the rebels...and this belongs in the 'history' section...oh gawd, I've said too Neo will kill me and everyone who reads this post...TABBITHA, SAVE ME! O_0


The Injection Anime_girl_with_red_hair_and_blue_green_eyes_by_blackleyn-d5a0cmn

Name: Tabitha Waterson
Nickname: Tabby, which lead to Tabby cat, which lead to you can call her Tabby or Kitty if you're close to her, BUT IF YOU'RE NOT HER BFF AND CALL HER BY HER NICKNAME, YOU. WILL. DIE.
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Nation: North
Rank:Da President!

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:Red
Eye Color:Blue-green...
Clothes:A black suit, like Dex...

Character Info...

Personality: Hyperactive, creative (for a polititian x3), eccentric, mysterious, seemingly naive, but really good at lying, a phsycopath at the bottem of he heart, though it sems she loves her son very much, Just like her top scientist and so on, manipulative, and trigger happy, and now, for her dark side you never see... manipulative, takes bribes, pulls strings -MITO I KORUPCIJA- loves to see the rebels bleeding...because she's a bit more sadistic than your avarage president...
History: Just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill Upper class girl who ended up becoming the president!
Likes: Waffles, rainbows, her scientists, funny sarcasm, dark humor... she's kinda crazy, and actually likes the rebels and says it's fun killing them...she might kinda like Dex or Tom, which is probably why Nina isn't her favourite scientist...
Dislikes: Nina, she seems suspicious to her...she also dislikes Tom, but then again, she think's he's cute...she really hates Neo, becaus he organizes his rebels so well that they rarely die, and she prefers killing rebels to just chasing them...she also dislikes the other president since she'd like to rule the whole land, and the other president dislikes her for the same reason, because he wants to rule the world for himself! It's crazy!
Pets? None!
Family? Deangelo/(Jongdae) Waterson
Love/Like? She THINKS she likes Tom...butshereallylikesdexycuzshethinkshessexy<3 But she dosn't know! ;3


Last edited by Ziakira on Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:11 pm; edited 14 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

RP character
Happiness meter:
The Injection Left_bar_bleue100/100The Injection Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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The Injection Empty Of a Wolf's Howl/Katarina's characters...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:03 pm

Of a Wolf's Howl/Katarina's characters

The Injection Tumblr_mqeac4ERFk1rjkhrxo1_500The Injection Tumblr_inline_mo982kIrWt1qz4rgpThe Injection Tumblr_mpadttQEBo1rduktmo1_250The Injection Tumblr_inline_mlztc96vZ61qz4rgpThe Injection Tumblr_m9i8lednJ71qcw5ybo1_r2_250The Injection Tumblr_moudtpYhFu1s1vggpo1_400

Real name Jongdae of the Royal family of Waterson, however introduces himself as Deangelo, but prefers the informal Angelo or Dean. He will not respond to anything else, except when his mother, Tabitha, Neo, Jade and/or Juliette calls for him.

18 years. Well, not exactly 18 full years, but he's going to be of legal age by the time winter begins. That means he was born on the 21st night of December, in the year of 1993 and is a Sagittarius by western zodiac and a rooster by Chinese zodiac.


Canine shapeshifter - the kind of canine he shapeshifts into is unknown, but is suspected to be a cross between a timber wolf and Alaskan Malamute, AKA, a Wolamute.


President's son, technically upperclassman, however secretly plans to join the rebels.

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:
Originally his hair was a onyx black, but he dyed it into a soft dark frosted brown color.

Hair Style:
He usually keeps it in a messily clean style; that means messy enough to look messy, but still not enough to look really messy. Okay I should just stop I'm starting to confuse myself.

Eye Color:
Dark coffee brown.

To be completely honest, you can find him wearing anything - from dress shirts to swearers and T-shirts to skinny jeans, sweatpants and suits.

Overall body shape/Description:
Jongdae's one of the tallest people ever to be born in his family. Standing at nearly 197 centimeters, he towers over both my mother and my father - ironically. He also has problems with his weight. He's supposed to weight 87 kilos at least, but he's actually skinny as hell - 80 kilos. He's kind of underweight, but it's not that he has any eating disorders, he's actually a real glutton. Once he wiped out more than half of the table in under half an hour... heh... But as much as he stuffs food packed with fat and carbs into his digestive system, he cannot gain any weight. Oh well, as long as he don't have any problems with my health, I'm fine. So, I guess that's Dean in a nutshell.

Character Info...

A real joker and prankster, Dean's quite the oddball. Despite his age, he rarely acts mature except in dire and critical situations. He acts like your average teenage street clown; whether you need a good joke/comeback/remark, Dean's your man, he's got everything you need at the tip of his tongue, although because of his very tongue, he gets into more danger than anybody else, except maybe a couple of people. He once said, in his early teenage years, that females were inferior to males. He got a slap from both Juliette and Jade, earning a small, thin scar under his right eye, courtesy of Juliette's acrylic nails.
He can act quite mature when he needs to, and will get in line as soon as a person superior to him says so. When it's needed, he is known to take the position of a cool, calm and collected right hand man, usually calming down his nervous fellow rebels in stressful situations and is known by his tendency to dive head first into a challenge without thinking about the consequences. He once recklessly jumped into a fight with one of the Queen's guards and got a huge bruise on his chest, but even so he still doesn't think trough his actions.
However, as a rebel, fighter and shapeshifter, he has a charismatic side to him that shows only when he's in the heat of a job or fight - as well as his masculine and cool side. In battle, every movement, every breath and every strike is well planned out in his mind. On the positive side he can be logically practical, rational and realistic. On the negative side he may be rigidly dogmatic as well as unmerciful and precipitous. However, his reputation is pretty high - so you'll have to be pretty good to compare to him. He's also fluent in seven different languages and highly educated in various subjects. He adores animals and has a soft spot for them and knows how to handle them well, and he loves writing, acting and playing the piano and flute. However, these are probably the only good points he has and everything goes downhill from here.
He gets overly giddy when it comes to games. He's a huge 2ne1 fanboy. He's not the brightest crayon in the box in most situations. He's a pervert. He's clumsy. He's deathly afraid of snakes, death and spiders. He can't draw to save his life. He can't dance either (except maybe for ballroom.) He's way to lazy. He's quick-tempered (although he doesn't like to admit it) and he can be overly competitive and boast a bit too much - but that's just how he is.

Pretty normal for a royal if you ask me.

Pranks, jokes, fighting, his fellow rebels, languages, Maths, Physics, Literature, writing, acting, playing the piano and flute, games, 2ne1, cuddling with Zygax...

Snakes, death, spiders, drawing, dancing, doing unnecessary work of any kind, the sole idea of the food injections, most nobles, Juliette (they have a love-hate relationship), being insulted, being frowned upon, being looked down on,...

A small female Toxic Liontail Dragon named Zygax that's barely the size of his arm. She's a pretty spunky one, tho, but is pretty much useless in fighting. Before Dean was born, she belonged to Tabitha, but when Dean was born Zygax took an instant liking to him and Tabby decided to let Dean have her. Since Zygax is extremely warm and fluffy, she's often nicknamed "Plushie", mostly by Dean and a couple of other people. Due to this, she's often the main cuddlebuddy of the group - not that she minds!

Tabitha Waterson - mother

Don't tell this to anybody, but he might just have a minor major crush on Jade.

Anything else?
Not really c:

The Injection Tumblr_lvifqpupqs1qi21mno1_500The Injection Troublemaker-gifpt1-1The Injection Hyuna_and_hyunseung_trouble_maker_gif_by_teklaa-d4hs9qx
The Injection Tumblr_m9zw6kwCh61qi92llo1_500The Injection Tumblr_mqbp15E9R11rvkjo2o7_250The Injection Large

Juliette Michaelis of Lothaunia, but just Juliette is enough. No fancy adjectives needed.

20 years - no more, no less. She was born in 1993, June 14th, making her a rooster by Chinese, and a Gemini by western zodiac.


Genetically altered hell-hound shifter.

South, more specifically in the Lothaunia district, however, she's currently caught in the North's labs. Again.

Experiment (Codename: Experiment 005927), will join the rebels when she escapes.

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:
Due to genetic alteration, her hair changes slightly with the whether and/or her surroundings, though it's mainly different shades of brown and silver. Here's a small chart-thingy representing her hair color relating to the temperature;

cold temperature - - warm temperature

Hair Style:
Her hair goes down to the middle of her back and is usually straight, tho sometimes she'll part her bangs and curl the ends of her hair or braid it, however, since she's currently in a testing chamber, her hair is always tied up into either a bun or ponytail.

Eye Color:

Basically anything she can move comfortably in.

Overall body shape/Description:
She's extremely pale. Pale to the point where she can't have a proper tan without getting some major burns - porcelain pale, as some like to call it. This makes her pop out in the crowd, but due to her relatively low height and weight, that effect of her pale skin is neutralized. She also have a ton of scars, and they were all the fault of Tabitha's scientists, more specifically, Dexter - one on her shoulder, on her left tight, on her stomach, between her breasts, one on her left arm and a bunch of tiny ones over the one on her stomach.

Character Info...


She lived a normal life of a high-classed citizen of the Lothaunia district of the South until her early preteen years. Her family was connected to a small rebel group of Lothaunia, and at the age of ten, she was recruited into Lothaunia rebels' assassin squad due to her father's connections and her own wishes. She was trained to be equals with the best of the best, and she prospered very quickly and after no more than three years, she was at the right side of the group's leader, serving her every command. That all changed on her 15th birthday, while she was on a mission in the North. Queen Tabitha's guards caught her unprepared and kidnapped her and handed her over to the North's lab after they recognized her as a rebel. The three years that she spent there were living hell. She was experimented on constantly. They altered her DNA, shifted her genetics, dissected her so many times that she can't even count them and crammed her in a cage barely big enough for a Great Dane. The only good thing about those three years was that they placed her next to another canine mutant named Colton, and that they could relate to each other. She developed a small crush on him, though, don't tell him that or Juliette'll massacre you and rip out your guts.
Just kidding, she won't.
If you get lucky.
On her 18th birthday, she somehow managed to escape, but failed to free Colton. Now, two years later, after her group of rebels fell apart, she returned to the North in order to try and save Colton and join the rebels of the North. Ironically, she got trapped by the scientists. Again.




Mother - Kelly Michaelis - died while giving birth to her
Father - Harold Michaelis - somewhere in the South... Probably...

She has a crush on Colton.

Anything else?

Last edited by Ziakira on Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:17 pm; edited 33 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

RP character
Happiness meter:
The Injection Left_bar_bleue100/100The Injection Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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The Injection Empty InvisibleInk/Mirtek's Characters...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:04 pm

Invisible Ink AKA Dr. Mirtachu

The Injection Tumblr_mckb5ls1g21r8wfoao1_400

Name: Nina Kolowska
Nickname(optional): none
Age: 23
Gender: female
Species: human
Nation: North
Rank: scientist

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color: dark brown to black
Hair Style: straight or parted a little on the left side of her head, she sometimes uses hair straightener to make it curly
Eye Color: grayish blue
Clothes: usuals, purse, while in lab, shoes, necklace

Character Info...

Personality: She is a very hard person to be friends with, not because she is mean or something like that but because she pushes people away from herself. But if you manage to befriend her she will do anything to keep you safe and sound. Usually she is afraid of getting too close or too attached to people and really hates if someone just uses her. When scared, nervous or in awkward situation she gets really talkative to get bad toughts out of her head. Doesn't talk too much, instead she thinks too much. You could say she can get paranoid from time to time. Rarely smiles at jokes or people who goof around, to her it's just a waste of time. She is uptight when around too much people, especially if she doesn't know them. Very inteligent so she really enjoys her job because she finds it challenging.
History: Her childhood in Russia started on September 19th 1990, on a rather warm day for that time of the year. Her parents weren't rich but they weren't poor either. When she was just 13 years old, her friend's brother raped her during a slumber party. It made a deep impact on her and now she doesn't really trust any men around her. No one really knows about this, only her parents who accused her of lying. They got divorced when she was around 16 and since then she has lived with her mother. When the war started her father disappeared and she never heard of him again. Started working in the lab when she was 20, when she finnaly moved away from her mother and finished college early.
Likes: being alone while working, listening to Tchaikovsky and songs from Disney's classics, taking long showers, sleep, black coffee, carrot salads
Dislikes: flip-flops, bad tempered people, her insomnia, reading girly magazines, crying infants
Pets? none, never had any actually but wishes to have at least a goldfish
Family? mother and father
Love/Like? Love is fake, or so she thinks. After the incident she has always avoided dating or just hunting guys like girls do today. Maybe she would give up on this toughts if she would finally realise not all guys want to hurt her or push her into any sort of relationship

Anything else? Her dominant hand is right hand, her biggest fear is to be raped again and has a hostile uterus but not aware of that yet.

[a big thanks to jas who helped me with this form] [i don't own any of this wonderful hipsterish photos]

Last edited by Ziakira on Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:08 pm; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

RP character
Happiness meter:
The Injection Left_bar_bleue100/100The Injection Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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The Injection Empty nothisisnotjas/Jas's Characters...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:04 pm

nothisisnotjas aka Jas.

nemam sliku još sorry

Name: Aresniy Desyanov Beliberdiyev (Арсений Десянoв Белибердиев)
Nickname(optional): You can't really make a nickname our of Arseniy, but his alias/codename/what have you is Nightingale.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Nation: North
Rank: Rebel

If you don't have a picture... ((um hell yea i dont))

Hair Color: White (he has albinism).
Hair Style: Short hair- he likes to keep it practical. Long hair would be a huge disadvantage in combat.
Eye Color: Naturally reddish-brown, but he wears blue contacts to help his eyesight and hide his eye colour.

Character Info...

Personality: Arseniy is very sarcastic and cynical, always ready with a snide remark for and about anyone. His negativity and generally pessimistic attitude sometimes tick people off, but it's not intentional- he's just that bitter sometimes and he can't help it. He may seem narcissistic and full of himself at times, but it's his coping mechanism- having been told that he's not worthy all his life, he makes up for it by acting like he's the best of them all. Arseniy appears as rude to people, but he tries his best not to overstep his bounds and stays as diplomatic as possible. On the inside, he just wants to liberate the people, rid the world of injustice, and maybe find a few trusted friends along the way. He doesn't think killing people is morally wrong- it's his job and he's killing bad people anyway. He feels no guilt stabbing the president's generals or poisoning his soldiers; He's doing us all a favour anyway.
History: His childhood seemed normal to him since he knew no better, but his parents were very strict towards him and his siblings, always comparing them to eachother and belittling them. They hated eachother for a very long while until they learned to live with it. He got proper education and did his best to excel in all classes, hoping that would make it easier for him to move out. When he was 18 he moved out of his parents' house to Siberia, hoping that he will find peace there. Life as a loner didn't interest him, seeing as there was not enough excitement in it, so after quite a while he went looking for that daily dose of adrenaline he so very badly needed. He then found a seemingly small group who simply call themselves 'The Resistance', who've told him of their story and the truth about the injections and food shortage. Arseniy joined the Resistance when he was 20, moving his way up the ranks.
Likes: Vodka, his homeland and his weapons, telling and hearing jokes (believe it or not). He's also very fond of his job, especially the rush it gives him.
Dislikes: Traitors, the presidents and all their co-workers, open and empty spaces.
Pets? A mailcarrier raven. He doesn't really trust technology, firmly believing that he is being spyed on. Of course, making plans via airmail is not the smartest idea either, but he's like that.
Family? Father Desya, mother Dunya, brothers Alexei and Dmitri, sister Motya.
Love/Like? shhhh we dont talk about that *whispers* neo

Anything else? nah son

Last edited by Ziakira on Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:46 am; edited 6 times in total

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Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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The Injection Empty Dαяκиɛss/Fiona's Characters...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:04 pm


  The Injection AnimeVampireGirlGrey

  Name: Jade van Dawnn, but she rarely uses her full name
  Nickname: ''Give me one. I dare ya.''
  Age: Jade's a few centuries old, but she has the looks of a twenty year old
  Gender: Female
  Species: *grins with her fangs showing* ''Take a wild guess.''
  Rank: Jade was once a part of a well known noble family, but since they were all killed, she's one of the rebels, Neo's right hand in fact

  Hair Color: White. She likes it much more than her natural blonde hair
  Eye Color: Blood red
  Clothes: Jade usually wears a hooded cape and she's mostly in black, but you can see her in other things too

  Character Info...

  Personality: Jade's a very mysterious person. She likes to keep everything to herself unless you're one of her close friends, but those are all dead except for Neo. The girl has quite a temper, but you'll have to push some buttons to make her explode, though you'll probably be dead in a matter of seconds if you anger her. The girl's also very manipulative and she'll do anything to get to the things she desires, even if they seem out of reach. Being flirty is one of the main things that build her personality and it's one of the things that amuse her, even though she rarely uses flirting these days. Jade can be reckless at some points and she doesn't use her head when it's really needed, but she gets the job done with her fighting skills. Mostly you can see her with a smile on her face, but don't be fooled by that. The girl's probably thinking of a way to get rid of you. If you become her enemy, be prepared for endless arguments and trust me, you don't want to argue with a vampire. Other than that, Jade's unpredictable, sometimes cruel and unforgiving, selfish and mean, but she does have a heart of gold just try not to break it.
  History: The van Dawnn family. She's the second child of three and Jade was once very known in the land. Everything broke with the war and, well, her family was killed along with the freedom of eating real food rather than injecting something into your blood. Since then, the girl is on her own. She swore to avenge her family and break the whole food problem, but it's not going very well. The rebels are in some problems and it's difficult not to give up on everything, but it hasn't pushed her over the edge yet. Not yet.
  Likes: Blood. Blood. BLOOD. Jade also enjoys stargazing and improving her fighting skills. Acting, which she uses on a daily basis, killing things and some other stuff too.
  Dislikes: Juliette. She always saw her as... a threat. She might poach Dean from her... Jade also dislikes bright colors and the sun, but that's just a vampire thing
  Pets? Jade doesn't have any pets...
  Family? All dead, but she used to have two brothers.
  Love/Like? She hates to admit it, but she has quite the crush on Deangelo. Don't tell anyone, she'll kill you.

  Anything else? Nope :3

The Injection Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFHCTV--dKL-SlvD1Fm6nc8z7ULeDWiDTwe9tx4BYNHbAow4jQ0w
Name: Raphael, that's all you need to know
   Nickname(optional): The only nickname he has is The Puppet Master which was given to him by the other assassins, nothing else. But feel free to call him anything you want. If you want his dagger in your gut, that is.
   Age: A few centuries just like Jade, though he appears a bit older than her
   Gender: Male
   Species: Raphael is a shapeshifter
   Nation: North
   Rank: He's one of Tabitha's top assassins, but he's in the upper class as well

   If you don't have a picture...

   Hair Color: It's a really weird color, dark red
   Eye Color: Blood red
   Clothes: Raphael usually wears his long black coat which has all kinds of daggers hidden in it, but you can see him in really anything, depending on his mission

   Character Info...

   Personality: Raphael is a real piece of work. Selfish, cruel, arrogant. He cares only about himself and anyone else is just an annoying fly which keeps buzzing around his head. The only things keeping him in Tabitha's assassins are selfish reasons and simple revenge. Most people see him as a psycho who somehow managed to impress the president and now lives in the best conditions a person could ask for. Not that the psycho part is not true. He's also very manipulative and he knows how to make other people dance for him, thus comes his nickname - The Puppet Master. His skills and knowledge of the assassin art are adored in the whole North, and, of course, because of that his ego is sky high. Many other assassins hate him for that, but no one has the guts to do anything about it. The ones who actually tried to say something wrong about him ended up buried in the desert somewhere, but keep that a secret. Tabitha hates when her agents get killed. That's why Raphael developed excellent lying and acting skills since he always makes up some believable event for Tabitha to be happy. The man's also a real charmer and women fall right into his arms with only a few simple words. But all of that can change in a blink. He can be very sweet and caring, he literally turns into a cute kitten when it hits him. Most people stay away from him when that happens. You know how kittens sometimes bite when you scratch their belly? Well this one will bite your whole arm off if you make the smallest mistake. And trust me, he can do much worse.
   History: No one really knows. Raphael rarely says anything about his history and even when he does, the things he says are just vague details.  
   Likes: The night, his pet, killing things, keeping himself busy with various missions, his special weapons
   Dislikes: Mornings, most people, the rebels, Tabitha's son, alarm clocks, anything bright and loud
   Pets? He does have a raven named Shade which is always with him. The raven helps a lot on missions and whatnot and Raphael hasn't yet regretted getting him.
   Family? All dead, but he didn't care about them anyways
   Love/Like? Nope, Raphael thinks love is a waste of time

   Anything else? Not really, hope you like the form :3

Last edited by Ziakira on Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:19 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Age : 27
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The Injection Empty Foxanna/Annek's Characters...

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:05 pm

((Oh fuck it, I couldn't let Katarina and Juliette down. ;3; I'll probably fail in this RP, but oh well. Also, I changed few things about my characters since the last time I roleplayed with them.))


The Injection Stock-photo-beautiful-woman-with-long-black-hair-in-ponytail-and-shiny-skin-looking-up-in-profile-natural-make-71128309

Name: Dianne, but goes by the name Hunter.
Nickname: She doesn't have a nickname.
Age: She is 20 years old at the moment. She's born on 25th of November, making her a Sagittarius in horoscope.
Gender: She is a female, of course.
Species: Just a normal human.
Nation: South nation, although she never stays in one place.
Rank: She is a rebel for sure.

♐ If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color: Black like coal.
Hair Style: She has her hair tied up in a ponytail. Her hair is pretty damn long because she haven't cut it only few times in her entire life.
Eye Color: Brown eyes, like her entire family.
Clothes: She is basically dressed like a huntress. Boots, gloves, small shirt, short pants. [Use your imagination, I'm afraid I can't find a good picture.] And of course, she has bow and arrows!

♐ Character Info...

Personality: Oh boy, where to start. First of all, let's just say that she never thinks about herself. Only about her family and that's it. She often forgets she's a human who also has a life.
Dianne is a person who trusts absolutely no one. Even before she lost her brother, she was like that because of things that happened to her family. She learned that you can trust no one but yourself. That's why she doesn't let anyone to become close with her. Except her family, of course. She's very thoughtful of them.
She is very stubborn, but in a good way. She knows what her goal is, and she keeps trying to make that goal. If you stand in her way, she'll get very mad. And when she's mad, shit's about to go down. She seems to be very cruel for some reason.
She doesn't have much emotions, and people who see her pretty much see nothing and everything. Her appearance actually matches her personality a bit. Even though Dianne is a strong rock, deep inside her, she buried those feelings and emotions. She was actually such a happy kid until she became older and realised what is happening to them. If anyone knew about her deepest secrets and deepest feelings, they could use it against her. She doesn't want that to happen.
Dianne is also shameless and a lot like her father. Even though she was raised by both of her parents, she has more traits from her father. And she mostly got bad traits from him as well. First of all, she can be very rude when upset. Most of the time she's bad-tempered and she cusses a lot, but only because she cares for Colton and doesn't want him to suffer any longer. She has absolutely no humour and she quite dislikes talking when she doesn't have to. But most of those bad traits are caused by losing her sister, mother, and few years later Colton.
History: Up to her 10th birthday, Dianne had absolutely no idea what was going on. Her older brother Colton, younger sister, and parents told her absolutely nothing. She thought living in a forest with her family was normal and her parents would often lie about few things. But as she grew up and hit puberty, she also hit maturity. Even though she was mad about her parents lying and not telling her before what's going on, she still loved them and trained hard to be strong like them. After she lost her mother and sister around 13, she started acting weirdly because she was hurt. She swore she's going to revenge them. She learned a lot in those years with Colton because their father was busy with things, but when the people took Colton away from her and her father when she was 17, she completely lost it. Colton was the person she always relied on and could always trust. All those years of training with him were gone and now she seeks to find him in hope he's still alive and okay. That's her goal. What is going to happen later after she saves him? She doesn't know.
Likes: What does Dianne like? Well, she likes forests and climbing on trees (she's very good at climbing). Oh, and shooting people in the head with her arrows. Other than that, when she is alone, she really likes playing her harmonica Colton gave her. She'd climb up on a tree and play it, remembering the good old times when it wasn't such a mess.
Dislikes: One of the things she dislikes the most are the people who captured Colton. In fact, she hates them. Other than that, she isn't a person who is scared easly or anything. She doesn't give a fuck about bugs and yucky things.
Pets? None, she doesn't have time for pets. Although she admitted it would be cool if she had something like a tiger with her.
Family? Her brother Colton and her father at the moment.
Love/Like? None! Absolutely not! Who has time for that crap?

♐ Anything else? Nope, not really.


The Injection Stock-photo-fashion-portrait-of-the-young-beautiful-man-62996197-The Injection Demon_wolf

Name: Colton.
Nickname: He doesn't have a nickname.
Age: 21 years old at the moment. He was born on 15th of May, making him a Taurus in horoscope.
Gender: He's a male, of course.
Species: Hard to explain. He was a normal human, but he became an experiment around 19 years old. Now he's a geneticaly altered wolf-like "monster". Later he'll figure out how to change from a human to monster and backwards.
Nation: He's kept in the North nation's labs, unable to escape.
Rank: He's an experiment (Codename: Experiment 005729), but he will become a rebel when he escapes. Hopefully.

♉ If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color: Really, really dark brown.
Hair Style: Normal?
Eye Color: Brown eyes, like the entire family.
Clothes: Clothes? They ripped his clothes off when he became that experiment. He doesn't remember what the heck was he wearing.

♉ Character Info...

Personality: Even though Colton is basically the same as Dianne and their father, he's actually more nicer than both of them combined. People wouldn't know how to judge him. His looks don't really show the other half of him that is as cruel as Dianne.
He never actually wanted to fight and kill, but it was important that he learns things no matter he likes it or not.
He also never found his true self. He had to take a lot of responsibility at a point in his life so he never really had much time to think about his future life.
Now, something that might shock you about Colton - he was a big coward and he cried a lot at first. Yup. In Dianne's eyes he was very strong, but he had to start as a little kid in order to help his family survive. That's why he's still nice and gentle in heart, but he has to keep everything in himself, like Dianne did. Just that Dianne doesn't show her gentle side at all anymore. He does.
One of his bad traits is bad habits. He bites his nails when scared, which is a bad habit since he was 5 years old. He also tends to yell when something's bugging him. Later, of course, he feels sorry for yelling.
And last, but not least, he is a somehow a perfectionist. As a kid, in the first days of training, he was always late, and always would miss the target, and etc. As a grown up, he actually learned a lot about life. He's very thoughtful about innocent people and if he saves someone, he has to save everyone, no matter what cost.
History: Pretty much the same as Dianne's. They were all together from the start, they did everything together with their sister and parents. However, he realised what happened before Dianne did. So he had to prepare her. Especially after losing his sister and mother when he was 15. He felt like it was his job to take care of Dianne because their father a lot of work to do. At his age of 19 he got kidnapped while asleep. He got a shot and they easly transported him to the North nation's labs. There he became an experiment and.... Well, he became that thing up there on the picture. However, there was a light of hope. He met Juliette not long after he got there. When she arrived, he helped her through everything he went through. They made a special bond. She made him a bit gentler, but that doesn't matter. When she escaped, he felt sad, but when he saw her again.... He totally fell for her.
Likes: His family. Being free. And Juliette. Anything else?
Dislikes: Oh good lord, don't ask. He really dislikes all the people who participate in those horrifying experiments. He hates seeing someone in pain.
Pets? None. He is kind of a pet to himself, ha-ha!
Family? Sister Dianne and father, at the moment.
Love/Like? Now that he thinks of it, he does have a crush on that girl Juliette.

♉ Anything else? Nope!

Last edited by Ziakira on Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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Happiness meter:
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:11 pm


Posts : 226
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 27
Location : The Planet of Rainbows

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Of a Wolf's Howl Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:21 pm

Of a Wolf's Howl/Katarina's characters

The Injection Tumblr_mqeac4ERFk1rjkhrxo1_500The Injection Tumblr_inline_mo982kIrWt1qz4rgpThe Injection Tumblr_mpadttQEBo1rduktmo1_250
The Injection Tumblr_inline_mlztc96vZ61qz4rgpThe Injection Tumblr_m9i8lednJ71qcw5ybo1_r2_250The Injection Tumblr_moudtpYhFu1s1vggpo1_400

Real name Jongdae of the Royal family of Waterson, however introduces himself as Deangelo, but prefers the informal Angelo or Dean. He will not respond to anything else, except when his mother, Tabitha, Neo, Jade and/or Juliette calls for him.

18 years. Well, not exactly 18 full years, but he's going to be of legal age by the time winter begins. That means he was born on the 21st night of December, in the year of 1995 and is a Sagittarius by western zodiac and a rooster by Chinese zodiac.


Canine shapeshifter - the kind of canine he shapeshifts into is unknown, but is suspected to be a cross between a timber wolf and Alaskan Malamute, AKA, a Wolamute.


President's son, technically upperclassman, however secretly plans to join the rebels.

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:
Originally his hair was a onyx black, but he dyed it into a soft dark frosted brown color.

Hair Style:
He usually keeps it in a messily clean style; that means messy enough to look messy, but still not enough to look really messy. Okay I should just stop I'm starting to confuse myself.

Eye Color:
Dark coffee brown.

To be completely honest, you can find him wearing anything - from dress shirts to swearers and T-shirts to skinny jeans, sweatpants and suits.

Overall body shape/Description:
Jongdae's one of the tallest people ever to be born in his family. Standing at nearly 197 centimeters, he towers over both my mother and my father - ironically. He also has problems with his weight. He's supposed to weight 87 kilos at least, but he's actually skinny as hell - 80 kilos. He's kind of underweight, but it's not that he has any eating disorders, he's actually a real glutton. Once he wiped out more than half of the table in under half an hour... heh... But as much as he stuffs food packed with fat and carbs into his digestive system, he cannot gain any weight. Oh well, as long as he don't have any problems with my health, I'm fine. So, I guess that's Dean in a nutshell.

Character Info...

A real joker and prankster, Dean's quite the oddball. Despite his age, he rarely acts mature except in dire and critical situations. He acts like your average teenage street clown; whether you need a good joke/comeback/remark, Dean's your man, he's got everything you need at the tip of his tongue, although because of his very tongue, he gets into more danger than anybody else, except maybe a couple of people. He once said, in his early teenage years, that females were inferior to males. He got a slap from both Juliette and Jade, earning a small, thin scar under his right eye, courtesy of Juliette's acrylic nails.
He can act quite mature when he needs to, and will get in line as soon as a person superior to him says so. When it's needed, he is known to take the position of a cool, calm and collected right hand man, usually calming down his nervous fellow rebels in stressful situations and is known by his tendency to dive head first into a challenge without thinking about the consequences. He once recklessly jumped into a fight with one of the Queen's guards and got a huge bruise on his chest, but even so he still doesn't think trough his actions.
However, as a rebel, fighter and shapeshifter, he has a charismatic side to him that shows only when he's in the heat of a job or fight - as well as his masculine and cool side. In battle, every movement, every breath and every strike is well planned out in his mind. On the positive side he can be logically practical, rational and realistic. On the negative side he may be rigidly dogmatic as well as unmerciful and precipitous. However, his reputation is pretty high - so you'll have to be pretty good to compare to him. He's also fluent in seven different languages and highly educated in various subjects. He adores animals and has a soft spot for them and knows how to handle them well, and he loves writing, acting and playing the piano and flute. However, these are probably the only good points he has and everything goes downhill from here.
He gets overly giddy when it comes to games. He's a huge 2ne1 fanboy. He's not the brightest crayon in the box in most situations. He's a pervert. He's clumsy. He's deathly afraid of snakes, death and spiders. He can't draw to save his life. He can't dance either (except maybe for ballroom.) He's way to lazy. He's quick-tempered (although he doesn't like to admit it) and he can be overly competitive and boast a bit too much - but that's just how he is.

Pretty normal for a royal if you ask me.

Pranks, jokes, fighting, his fellow rebels, languages, Maths, Physics, Literature, writing, acting, playing the piano and flute, games, 2ne1, cuddling with Zygax...

Snakes, death, spiders, drawing, dancing, doing unnecessary work of any kind, the sole idea of the food injections, most nobles, Juliette (they have a love-hate relationship), being insulted, being frowned upon, being looked down on,...

A small female Toxic Liontail Dragon named Zygax that's barely the size of his arm. She's a pretty spunky one, tho, but is pretty much useless in fighting. Before Dean was born, she belonged to Tabitha, but when Dean was born Zygax took an instant liking to him and Tabby decided to let Dean have her. Since Zygax is extremely warm and fluffy, she's often nicknamed "Plushie", mostly by Dean and a couple of other people. Due to this, she's often the main cuddlebuddy of the group - not that she minds!

Tabitha Waterson - mother

Don't tell this to anybody, but he might just have a minor major crush on Jade.

Anything else?
Not really c: {{i'll make juliette's form later orz}}

The Injection Tumblr_lvifqpupqs1qi21mno1_500The Injection Troublemaker-gifpt1-1The Injection Hyuna_and_hyunseung_trouble_maker_gif_by_teklaa-d4hs9qx
The Injection Tumblr_m9zw6kwCh61qi92llo1_500The Injection Tumblr_mqbp15E9R11rvkjo2o7_250The Injection Large

Juliette Michaelis of Lothaunia, but just Juliette is enough. No fancy adjectives needed.

20 years - no more, no less. She was born in 1993, June 14th, making her a rooster by Chinese, and a Gemini by western zodiac.


Genetically altered hell-hound shifter.

South, more specifically in the Lothaunia district, however, she's currently caught in the North's labs. Again.

Experiment (Codename: Experiment 005927), will join the rebels when she escapes.

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:
Due to genetic alteration, her hair changes slightly with the whether and/or her surroundings, though it's mainly different shades of brown and silver. Here's a small chart-thingy representing her hair color relating to the temperature;

cold temperature - - warm temperature

Hair Style:
Her hair goes down to the middle of her back and is usually straight, tho sometimes she'll part her bangs and curl the ends of her hair or braid it, however, since she's currently in a testing chamber, her hair is always tied up into either a bun or ponytail.

Eye Color:

Basically anything she can move comfortably in.

Overall body shape/Description:
She's extremely pale. Pale to the point where she can't have a proper tan without getting some major burns - porcelain pale, as some like to call it. This makes her pop out in the crowd, but due to her relatively low height and weight, that effect of her pale skin is neutralized. She also have a ton of scars, and they were all the fault of Tabitha's scientists, more specifically, Dexter - one on her shoulder, on her left tight, on her stomach, between her breasts, one on her left arm and a bunch of tiny ones over the one on her stomach.

Character Info...

Be ready for some major shock, because Juliette isn't what she appears to be. One would assume a hellhound mutant such as her would be aggressive, merciless and blinded by bloodlust. However, this particular hellhound mutant is nothing of the aforementioned. Even though she may not look like it, Juliette is pretty quiet and doesn't really like to speak to anybody except for a couple of people and in fact refuses to exchange any words with strangers if she doesn't absolutely have to. Due to this she might come off as rude and unwelcoming, but if you manage to accept the fact that she often won't speak more than seven words in a sentence, you'll see the true side of her - the shy, sweet but extremely quiet Juliette who always has a small, but sweet smile plastered on her face. Unlike Dean, Juliette is extremely patient and a good listener, though this might be just because she's quiet. We don't know. Neither does Juliette. Feel free to spill your heart and soul to this girl. It's not like she'll tell anyone. She's pretty much been mistaken for being mute in the past.
She's also a sucker for a good romance - books, movies, anime, manga; she'll read/watch anything that has romance in it, and secretly, she kind of ships certain people in her life. (khmkhmtonajadeankhmkhm)
Juliette is, however, easily annoyed by many things, mainly certain people she finds idiotic or too loud. The best examples for this are Dean and Jade - Dean is an idiot and Jade is too loud for Juliette's taste; but even though she's easily annoyed, she can't really keep a grudge against anybody, no matter what they did or who they are and believes everybody has their own reasons and personal beliefs to act the way they act and do whatever they do.
She's completely unaffected by most things considered repulsive to the society, no matter how gory or disgusting they are (which is kind of logical since she's an assassin and all, and she might have just a biiiit of hellhound bloodlust in her), but she's scared shirtless by bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees. There's just something in those tiny little winged creatures that'll send Juliette screaming and hiding wherever she can.

She lived a normal life of a high-classed citizen of the Lothaunia district of the South until her early preteen years. Her family was connected to a small rebel group of Lothaunia, and at the age of ten, she was recruited into Lothaunia rebels' assassin squad due to her father's connections and her own wishes. She was trained to be equals with the best of the best, and she prospered very quickly and after no more than three years, she was at the right side of the group's leader, serving her every command. That all changed on her 15th birthday, while she was on a mission in the North. Queen Tabitha's guards caught her unprepared and kidnapped her and handed her over to the North's lab after they recognized her as a rebel. The three years that she spent there were living hell. She was experimented on constantly. They altered her DNA, shifted her genetics, dissected her so many times that she can't even count them and crammed her in a cage barely big enough for a Great Dane. The only good thing about those three years was that they placed her next to another canine mutant named Colton, and that they could relate to each other. She developed a small crush on him, though, don't tell him that or Juliette'll go crazy. On her 18th birthday, she somehow managed to escape, but failed to free Colton. Now, two years later, after her group of rebels fell apart, she returned to the North in order to try and save Colton and join the rebels of the North. Ironically, she got trapped by the scientists. Again.

Romance, killing, blood, Colton, calming places, cuddling with Zygax, tea, cappuccino, waking up early,...

Bees, wasps, hornets, bumblebees, Dean, Jade, idiotic and loud people in general, most scientists, the fact her hair color changes,...


Mother - Kelly Michaelis - died while giving birth to her
Father - Harold Michaelis - somewhere in the South... Probably...

She has a crush on Colton.

Anything else?
Not really~

The Injection Tumblr_mxtgnd92tQ1rmczl4o1_500The Injection Tumblr_n6t3vf13w61tajc27o1_400The Injection Tumblr_inline_my3dasiTM31s848z8
The Injection Tumblr_muly3tdGsf1rkfcoro1_400The Injection Tumblr_muleg3sBAk1rlxfzko1_500The Injection Tumblr_mu04y8AoaT1sk2c2go1_500

Kim Myungsoo. Alias Leythios. Occasionally introduces himself simply as L.

Real age unknown. Appears to be in his mid-twenties.


Half-demon, half-human

Unknown. Switches location quite often, tho he's mostly found in the South.

Lower class

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color:
Onyx black. It almost looks fake, but it's his natural hair. He never dyed it another color and he probably won't.

Hair Style:
Myungsoo puts his looks in the first place, so every single hair on his head has to be in its exact place, or else he'll lose his shit. He keeps his hair in a simple, fluffed-up bob-like hairstyle.

Eye Color:
Golden yellow, however, he hides his real eye color behind black contact lenses.

Despite falling into the lower class category, Leythios is a fashionista and is always up-to-date with the newest fashion trends, so it's quite hard to describe what he wears on a daily basis because he's in a new outfit every single fucking day. Think Hood by Air, Givenchy, Comme des Garçons and so on.

Overall body shape/Description:
Standing at 180 centimeters and weighing 61 kilograms, Myungsoo is by all means of average build.

Character Info...

Leythios is the kind of person you would love to hate, arrogant to the point you just want to throw a metal brick or two in his face. If by any chance you find yourself inferior to him, don't be surprised when he comes straight up to you and rubs it into your face. He adores provoking every single person around himself, especially Juliette, loving how often she reacts in a flustered manner. He also has an ego larger than Times Square, always priding himself upon even the smallest of his accomplishments and adoring when someone strokes his ego even more than it already is. He enjoys killing just for the sake of it and is a kind of psychopath, adoring the ear-piercing screams of dying humans and the way that the blood deliciously flows freely from their body. He also enjoys playing with human beings and their weak and unstable minds. Don't be surprised if his sword is covered in fresh blood; that just shows how much of a psychopath he really is.

Of course, if he was to act like I described him in public, he'd get in trouble in less than zero-point-two milliseconds. He hides beneath the mask of a charming ladies' man, sassy-ass motherfucker bandit who appears neutral to the entire situation between the queen and the rebels but is constantly switching sides - one moment he worships the queen, the next moment he's stealing supplies from her and giving them to the rebels, and after three seconds he stops giving a (pardon my French) flying fuck about the entire situation and flirts with every single female being he finds on the streets. He's handsome, he's cute, he has the looks, face, skills, sass, personality and knowledge AND he's aware that he has everything he needs to fool anybody - he's a person you can't really trust.







Anything else?

Last edited by Of a Wolf's Howl on Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:58 am; edited 8 times in total
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:36 pm

[Accepted, of course! Now we just have to wait for Mirtek and Jasna! ;3]

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:28 pm

[hello. we were at the beach and now we will be heading to town so my form will be here arouuund midnight? don't hate and btw dark isn't jasna, dark's name is fiona lol]
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:39 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:[hello. we were at the beach and now we will be heading to town so my form will be here arouuund midnight? don't hate and btw dark isn't jasna, dark's name is fiona lol]

[but I though Jas would join too! ): *facepalm* And we need to wait for Dark too...x3]

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:41 pm

P.S. [Dun worry, mirtek, we don;t hate you1 <3 You can post the form whenever you want x3 We'll probably stay up till 4 AM anyway...lolz]

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:56 pm


[Damn it, i have to go to bed now...I have to wake up early tomorrow or something, IDK my mom says i have to -_- so, guys! See ya'll tomorrow when we start the RP! ;3]

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:16 am

[ok just a little more and form will be done ohmygod i just want it ot be perf x.x]
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Of a Wolf's Howl Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:38 am

Invisible Ink wrote:[ok just a little more and form will be done ohmygod i just want it ot be perf x.x]
{{sbfsgljdfghjhgfdssdfgasdfghjk i can't wait squee <33}}
Of a Wolf's Howl
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:03 am

Invisible Ink AKA Dr. Mirtachu

The Injection Tumblr_mckb5ls1g21r8wfoao1_400

Name: Nina Kolowska
Nickname(optional): none
Age: 23
Gender: female
Species: human
Nation: North
Rank: scientist

If you don't have a picture...

Hair Color: dark brown to black
Hair Style: straight or parted a little on the left side of her head, she sometimes uses hair straightener to make it curly
Eye Color: grayish blue
Clothes: usuals, purse, while in lab, shoes, necklace

Character Info...

Personality: She is a very hard person to be friends with, not because she is mean or something like that but because she pushes people away from herself. But if you manage to befriend her she will do anything to keep you safe and sound. Usually she is afraid of getting too close or too attached to people and really hates if someone just uses her. When scared, nervous or in awkward situation she gets really talkative to get bad toughts out of her head. Doesn't talk too much, instead she thinks too much. You could say she can get paranoid from time to time. Rarely smiles at jokes or people who goof around, to her it's just a waste of time. She is uptight when around too much people, especially if she doesn't know them. Very inteligent so she really enjoys her job because she finds it challenging.
History: Her childhood in Russia started on September 19th 1990, on a rather warm day for that time of the year. Her parents weren't rich but they weren't poor either. When she was just 13 years old, her friend's brother raped her during a slumber party. It made a deep impact on her and now she doesn't really trust any men around her. No one really knows about this, only her parents who accused her of lying. They got divorced when she was around 16 and since then she has lived with her mother. When the war started her father disappeared and she never heard of him again. Started working in the lab when she was 20, when she finnaly moved away from her mother and finished college early.
Likes: being alone while working, listening to Tchaikovsky and songs from Disney's classics, taking long showers, sleep, black coffee, carrot salads
Dislikes: flip-flops, bad tempered people, her insomnia, reading girly magazines, crying infants
Pets? none, never had any actually but wishes to have at least a goldfish
Family? mother and father
Love/Like? Love is fake, or so she thinks. After the incident she has always avoided dating or just hunting guys like girls do today. Maybe she would give up on this toughts if she would finally realise not all guys want to hurt her or push her into any sort of relationship

Anything else? Her dominant hand is right hand, her biggest fear is to be raped again and has a hostile uterus but not aware of that yet.

[a big thanks to jas who helped me with this form] [i don't own any of this wonderful hipsterish photos]
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:12 pm

[Accepted! Now we just need to wait for Jde's form and we can start!

*reads history*

Oh reminds me of what I was doing to my book characters last night and why I woke up late x3 Mirtek, you're lucky I make my RP characters a bit more normal than my book characters...If my unicorn character were in this RP, everyone would understand what Nina went through, if you know what I mean...

Cuz he's a Phsyco rapist unicorn...and he luers little girls into his lair by telling them he's a magical unicorn like in the storybooks, then he does what pedobear does...

DaUnicorn: No I don't! You're exagerating again!
Da Unicorn: No! I don;t rape kids! I teach them how to rape! I normall just rape my gay romates!
Me: I;s because I FUCKING LOVE YAOI!<3
DaUnicorn: God, I wish I were an RP character...then you;d have to make me more normal...]

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:15 pm

[ti mene plašiš jbt]
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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:18 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:[ti mene plašiš jbt]

[It's mah job, Mirtek, I am the Princess of Trauma... x3]

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Delete Please~ Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:59 pm


Last edited by Delete Please~ on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:02 pm


Last edited by Ziakira on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Delete Please~ Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:03 pm


Last edited by Delete Please~ on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Injection Empty Re: The Injection

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