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The Injection

Invisible Ink
Of a Wolf's Howl
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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:05 pm


Last edited by Ziakira on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Delete Please~ Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:05 pm


Last edited by Delete Please~ on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

Delete Please~

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:07 pm


Last edited by Ziakira on Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by nothisisnotjas Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:13 pm

   nothisisnotjas aka Jas.

   nemam sliku još sorry

   Name: Aresniy Desyanov Beliberdiyev (Арсений Десянoв Белибердиев)
   Nickname(optional): You can't really make a nickname our of Arseniy, but his alias/codename/what have you is Nightingale.
   Age: 24
   Gender: Male
   Species: Human
   Nation: North
   Rank: Rebel

   If you don't have a picture... ((um hell yea i dont))

   Hair Color: White (he has albinism).
   Hair Style: Short hair- he likes to keep it practical. Long hair would be a huge disadvantage in combat.
   Eye Color: Naturally reddish-brown, but he wears blue contacts to help his eyesight and hide his eye colour.

   Character Info...

   Personality: Arseniy is very sarcastic and cynical, always ready with a snide remark for and about anyone. His negativity and generally pessimistic attitude sometimes tick people off, but it's not intentional- he's just that bitter sometimes and he can't help it.  He may seem narcissistic and full of himself at times, but it's his coping mechanism- having been told that he's not worthy all his life, he makes up for it by acting like he's the best of them all. Arseniy appears as rude to people, but he tries his best not to overstep his bounds and stays as diplomatic as possible. On the inside, he just wants to liberate the people, rid the world of injustice, and maybe find a few trusted friends along the way. He doesn't think killing people is morally wrong- it's his job and he's killing bad people anyway. He feels no guilt stabbing the president's generals or poisoning his soldiers; He's doing us all a favour anyway.
   History: His childhood seemed normal to him since he knew no better, but his parents were very strict towards him and his siblings, always comparing them to eachother and belittling them. They hated eachother for a very long while until they learned to live with it. He got proper education and did his best to excel in all classes, hoping that would make it easier for him to move out. When he was 18 he moved out of his parents' house to Siberia, hoping that he will find peace there. Life as a loner didn't interest him, seeing as there was not enough excitement in it, so after quite a while he went looking for that daily dose of adrenaline he so very badly needed. He then found a seemingly small group who simply call themselves 'The Resistance', who've told him of their story and the truth about the injections and food shortage. Arseniy joined the Resistance when he was 20, moving his way up the ranks.
   Likes: Vodka, his homeland and his weapons, telling and hearing jokes (believe it or not). He's also very fond of his job, especially the rush it gives him.
   Dislikes: Traitors, the presidents and all their co-workers, open and empty spaces.
   Pets? A mailcarrier raven. He doesn't really trust technology, firmly believing that he is being spyed on. Of course, making plans via airmail is not the smartest idea either, but he's like that.
   Family? Father Desya, mother Dunya, brothers Alexei and Dmitri, sister Motya.
   Love/Like? shhhh we dont talk about that *whispers* neo

   Anything else? nah son

Last edited by nothisisnotjas on Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : did the actual form)

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:20 pm

nothisisnotjas wrote:[[ok sorry for interrupting im just saving a post here for my characters!! don't mind me]]


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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:45 am

Ziakira wrote:
nothisisnotjas wrote:[[ok sorry for interrupting im just saving a post here for my characters!! don't mind me]]


[Yay! The form is ready! I can't wait for all of us to be ready so we can start the rp! x3 *explodes yet again*]

[And don't worry about the picture, half the times I RP I don't put a picture for my characters x3 ... well, no HALF the times, MOST of the times Loz...I iz lazy...*facepalm* xD]

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:11 pm

[Well, this is gonna be one shity first post but...oh well x3]


Tabitha woke up in her blue pajamas, she got dressed and left a note for Dean. The onte said 'Gone to the lab, don't freak out, love, Mom. Smile' She wasn;t really even sure if Dean was there, for all she kenw, he could have left, gone for a walk, and she wouldn't even know...

It even had a smiley face.

So Tabby went to the lab in a black SUV, for some reason she preffered SUV's to limmo's like most presidents. They make her feel bad-ass...

"Dexter, honey, tell me, have you come up with a way to get rid of those pesky rebels?" She asked. "'s still a work in progress..." Dex said with a nervous smile. "And where's that brother of yours? Is he late again?" Tabithat asked. "Oh dear me...I forgot to wake him up...again..." Dex said and couldn't help but smirk.

Speaking of Tom, he was making cofee, unaware of the time...9 am...he should have been at the lab at 7 am...
He suddenly saw the clock and freaked out. "Damn it! Dex didn't wake me up again!" He yelled and quickly got dressed. "He always does this! Keeps me up late at night, promises to wake me up, sabotages my alarm clock and leaves me asleep till nine!" Tom mumbeled as he left his house and went to the train station.

He took one of the privat trains owned by the president to take him to the lab in the desert, given the fact that no-one was allowed to know where the desert was.
He sat down on the bench, half expecting to see Nina, though he knew she wouldn;t be therem since he asusmed she must have already arrived at the lab...

Neo was in his room at the rebels hideout, trying to think of a plan to get some of the real normal food from the Food Inc. in the upper-class district...
Though he was really trying to think of a way to end the whole situation for good, he just coulnd;t come up with an efficiant plan.

Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that he hadn't been eating any of the stolen food and he hadn't been taking his shots either...he thought not taking shots would make him better at getting more food, given the fact that he'd have to do it for survival...but it wasn't working.

"How long have I gone without shots...?" He asked. "Five days, a week?" He mutttered. "It doesn't matter.." he mumbled to himself.

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:21 pm

Morning in lab is always the best part of the day. All is quiet and in rest, like from a restless night. Only sounds you could here were coffee makers and scientists chit-chatting in the hallways. Nina was stading in front of a big window looking at the desert. It was very peacefull with no wind today. But something was missing. Must have been Tom. Late again.
She was used to that, and she really liked working alone. But right now she wasn't working. It was still too early for that. She can enjoy this wonderfull view for a little more.

[sorry for short. plaža zove.]
Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:37 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:Morning in lab is always the best part of the day. All is quiet and in rest, like from a restless night. Only sounds you could here were coffee makers and scientists chit-chatting in the hallways. Nina was stading in front of a big window looking at the desert. It was very peacefull with no wind today. But something was missing. Must have been Tom. Late again.
She was used to that, and she really liked working alone. But right now she wasn't working. It was still too early for that. She can enjoy this wonderfull view for a little more.

[sorry for short. plaža zove.]

[*Pats* Don't worry, I have RP-ers block anyway x3 I'm gonna be short too x3 ... shortness...]

Tom finally got to the lab, The train ride was quiet, and the lab was, as always, quiet. He finaly found Nina, looking at the desert. He also like to look at the desert, only he often imagined it was pastel blue...

"Good Morning, NIna, sorry I'm late, Dex kept me up all night, he said he'd wake me up, but he didnt..." Tom said.

[Oooookaaaaay...I didn't expect it to be THAT short... x3]

[Sorry... Embarassed  ...the ... killing me....]

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:43 pm

[shh its ok]

She heard his voice coming from behined her. His brother kept him awake again. Who knows what were they doing? Talking? Playing games or something? Maybe they were at some club or had a night out?
-Oh, that's all right.-she said almost whispering. Finnaly she turned around to face him. He did look like he was in a hurry. This happens often, and it isn't good for his job.-Why do you still trust your brother? He tricked you like this many times before.-this maybe wasn't the best thing to say, it was his brother afterall.

[haha short. again. kill me. ok. (:]
Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by nothisisnotjas Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:47 pm

Arseniy scampered through the narrow halls of the Rebellion's hideout, making his way to Neo's chambers. He knew that he shouldn't just barge in like that and he knew that the leader probably didn't want to be disturbed, but this was urgent. Very much so.
He clutched the letter in his hand, running down the corridor. He hoped he won't run into any other rebels- he really didn't feel the need to justify himself right now. After a few more minutes of rushing around corners- the place was huge and built like a maze- he found himself in front of Neo's room. Arseniy knocked, because that was a polite thing to do, but entered without waiting for an answer anyway.
"Neo- I mean, leader, we received a letter from one of our correspondents. Please, sir, it- It's urgent."
He was terribly sorry for interrupting, of course, but he had no other option. He raised his hand, showing Neo the letter. He hoped that he wouldn't mind Arseniy barging in like that, but it was a matter that needed taking care of instantly.

((fck yea lets get this started
mine's short too but shhh))

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:00 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:[shh its ok]

She heard his voice coming from behined her. His brother kept him awake again. Who knows what were they doing? Talking? Playing  games or something? Maybe they were at some club or had a night out?
-Oh, that's all right.-she said almost whispering. Finnaly she turned around to face him. He did look like he was in a hurry. This happens often, and it isn't good for his  job.-Why do you still trust your brother? He tricked you like this many times before.-this maybe wasn't the best thing to say, it was his brother afterall.

[haha short. again. kill me. ok. (:]

[*Pats* A ja tek koliko sam short x3 ... don;t worry, Shortness is ok...It;s acutally simpler and easier for one's brain to process, espeically if they have bad memory, like me, or if you're me...x3]

[And I'm using the x3 smiley waaay to often x3 *there i go again*]

"Well, he always gets me with his sob storries about how he wishes we were closer, then he goes to bed and leave me to think about it...I just never have the heart to say no to him...not because he;s my brother, but...what if one of those times he really meant it and I ignoored him? I dunno, I guess I give too manny second chances because I'm afraid I wont be given a chance.." Tom said.

He was angry with himself, though he tridt to make things sound like a joke, and failed at doing so. He looked at Nina and smiled, hgopind things wouldn't get too akward.

[@Jas, dun worry, about da shiortness, the point is that the RP is finally started! Especially since it has a yaoi ship in it x3 <3]

Neo flinched for a second, hearing the knock, then he looked at Arseniy, then at the letter.

He blinked and looked into Arseniy's eyes. "A letter?" He asked, though he seemed to be lost in his own world. "And feel free to call me Neo, after all, special treament is what we're fighting against..." He said with a calm smile. "Now, who sent this letter, what's this all about anyways?" He asked.

Though he was lost in thought, and usualy hated being interupted while thinking, he didn't seem to mind it this time...perhaps it was because he couldn't really come up with a good idea, but he thought nothing of it at all...

[Meh, my posts suck...I seem to be good at writing an RP story but not at actually RP-ing it! Lol...xD]

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:12 pm

Nina blinked twice looking at him then at the floor. Things he was saying were logical in one hand.-I wish i could tell you I understand but I really don't. Probably because I don't have a brother or a sister.-she coughed a little bit just to clean her trought.-Well now that that's finished, we should start working finally.-that was just a little exuse to change the topic. But it really was time to get the job started, morning was almost over! Not realising she has been talking to herself, she nodded and moved away frkm the window to her desk.
Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by nothisisnotjas Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:13 pm

Arseniy took a deep breath, feeling slightly exhausted from the running, but still worried nonetheless. He sat next to Neo, hoping the other man wouldn't mind, and opened the letter for him to see.
"It's from one of our correspondants in the president's army, and they're telling us-"
He tried going on, but couldn't exactly find the right words to. "Just read it, please," he ended, handing Neo the letter.
The text was written in blue ink and terrible, rushed handwriting- clearly written in a hurry. It was brief and to the point, but gave them more than enough information.
"Fellow rebels," the text read, "I regret to inform you that the president's army will attack tomorrow at 3 6 5 am. Be ready"
It wasn't signed, but most of the letters they received weren't- either the senders feared for their lives, or simply didn't have time to sign it.
Arseniy sighed, doubting the letter's truthfulness, but worrying all the same.

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:20 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:Nina blinked twice looking at him then at the floor. Things he was saying were logical in one hand.-I wish i could tell you I understand but I really don't. Probably because I don't have a brother or a sister.-she coughed a little bit just to clean her trought.-Well now that that's finished, we should start working finally.-that was just a little exuse to change the topic. But it really was time to get the job started, morning was almost over! Not realising she has been talking to herself, she nodded and moved away frkm the window to her desk.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't understand myself either..." Tom laughed. "Well, about work, my brother has started a new project...he wants us to create something to stop the rebels, he said he wanted us to design the prefect super-soldier...honestly he's starting to scare me...sometimes I just think we;re overdoing this whole rebel thing..." He said.

[Now we have to think and use our imagination...the first super soldiers should have a flaw that we need to a weak spot or somthing...meh, just make them super hero human things and pretend they aren't strong enough to fight the rebels or whatever...

On second thought - we shoud have 3 generations of super soldier - the first wasn;t too strong and had emotions, so we couldnt use them, the second were very strong, but had emotuons which cased them to question the labs motives and goals, so we have to make the third generation which was perfect - iinvincible with no emotions, like living robots...]

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:35 pm

nothisisnotjas wrote:Arseniy took a deep breath, feeling slightly exhausted from the running, but still worried nonetheless. He sat next to Neo, hoping the other man wouldn't mind, and opened the letter for him to see.
"It's from one of our correspondants in the president's army, and they're telling us-"
He tried going on, but couldn't exactly find the right words to. "Just read it, please," he ended, handing Neo the letter.
The text was written in blue ink and terrible, rushed handwriting- clearly written in a hurry. It was brief and to the point, but gave them more than enough information.
"Fellow rebels," the text read, "I regret to inform you that the president's army will attack tomorrow at 3 6 5 am. Be ready"
It wasn't signed, but most of the letters they received weren't- either the senders feared for their lives, or simply didn't have time to sign it.
Arseniy sighed, doubting the letter's truthfulness, but worrying all the same.

[Sorry, I didnt notice your post! Stupid me is stupid x3]

Neo looked at the letter with a firm look on his face. "If this is ture..." he said. "If they found out where we're hiding, we're gonna have to find a new hideout, and fast, we need to evacuate, still, if we evacuate on a false alarm, we'll be scattered and the army would kill us all one by one...and even if we weren't killed, we'd have nowhere else to go...we need to get ready to fight..." Neo said.

"Asemble the rebels for an emergency meeting, hurry, we don;t have much time..." Neo said...

Though he couldn't seem to concentrate on the task at hand...he tried to stay as reasonable as possible, but there was a feeling he just couldnt shake off, thogh he managed to ignoor it for the moment.

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:36 pm

[maybe they should be testing human brains to see if they can remove parts where emotions are stored. like, brain wash them or something. get it yo]

-I realise why they want to create a human robot. I don't justify it, though.-she said and shrugged her shoulders. Why did he question their job so much? He knew what will he be doing here. Plus, if he wants to be closer with his brother here's a topic that could do that- work!
After almost an hour and a half of standing around, she sat down and pointed to one of the chairs nearby so Tom could sit too. Holding her chair she moved herself closer to the desk and rested her arms on it. The situation was tense and she had a feeling that he will be pissed of by what she said.
Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by nothisisnotjas Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:45 pm

"Right away, sir," Arseniy said, taking one last glance at his leader and then turning around, leaving the letter to Neo. He's going to be preparing the speech anyway. Arseniy ran down the narrow corridors yet again, until he found himself in the control room. He sent a brief message to all the rebels- emergency meeting come asap- and went to the meeting room, waiting for the leader. Strange guy, that Neo. Arseniy didn't know much about his personal life, but he sure was an interesting man. One that Arseniy would like to get to know better.
Soon the rebels piled up in meeting room, murmuring against themselves, wondering about the cause of the meeting.

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:55 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:[maybe they should be testing human brains to see if they can remove parts where emotions are stored. like, brain wash them or something. get it yo]

-I realise why they want to create a human robot. I don't justify it, though.-she said and shrugged her shoulders. Why did he question their job so much? He knew what will he be doing here. Plus, if he wants to be closer with his brother here's a topic that could do that- work!
After almost an hour and a half of standing around, she sat down and pointed to one of the chairs nearby so Tom  could sit too. Holding her chair she moved herself closer to the desk and rested her arms on it. The situation was tense and she had a feeling that he will be pissed of by what she said.
"True, true, those reabls really arn;t easy to deal with..." Tom said.

Just then, Dex came by. "I need you two to make these living weapons by six o clock, I don;t care if they've been tested or not, but I want them working by" He said "Dex what the hell is wrong with you?! Are you crazy?! We can't make an army that quickly!" Tom said. "I don't want an army, justone soldier!" Dex said and left.

"He was joking, right?" Tom asked and looked at Nina, shocked.

He sat down, feeling as if though he went mad. "Was he really here, or am I halucinating?" He asked. "Oh god, we have to work fast..." He said.

[Ooh! Brain washing/testing...I LIKE IT! x3]

"Tabby?" Dex asked. "Yes, Dexy?" Tabitha asked with a hyperactive smile one would expect from a little girl. "I'll have the a new weapon tested on the rebels today, my agents discoeverd their hiding place, and they probably know about it...thats why we have t hit them before they leave..." Dex said. "Interesting...risky testing a new weapon though, but still interesting..." Tabitha said with a smirk.

nothisisnotjas wrote:"Right away, sir," Arseniy said, taking one last glance at his leader and then turning around, leaving the letter to Neo. He's going to be preparing the speech anyway. Arseniy ran down the narrow corridors yet again, until he found himself in the control room. He sent a brief message to all the rebels- emergency meeting come asap- and went to the meeting room, waiting for the leader. Strange guy, that Neo. Arseniy didn't know much about his personal life, but he sure was an interesting man. One that Arseniy would like to get to know better.
Soon the rebels piled up in meeting room, murmuring against themselves, wondering about the cause of the meeting.

Neo sighed, sitting in his room. "Sometimes I wish I could just auit...just give on on life alltogether...somtimes I wish I'd just die..." He mutttered to himself.

He got up and started walking to the meeting room. He stopped and remebered how long he;d gone without food or shots. "Damn it..." he muttered and went on. He arrived to the meeting room, but friest he wispered a few words to Arseniy. "How long have you gone without a shot?" He asked cassualy. "I haven;t take one in a while...before th emeeting starts, I just though...maybe I shoult get my head together..." He said. "But I'd rather not take a shot...what do you think?" He asked. He tened to ask people he didn't know very well as if they were his friends, and sometimes it would seem...strange...

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:07 pm

Nina stood up fixing her coat.-He was here and he wasn't joking.-she said rushing from one corner of the lab to another one.-A test subject. We need one now. Oh God, it's 10 all ready?! No, we have only 6 hours to make it perfect. We haven't practised. What if we do something wrong. No, no, no!-she screamed again holding some reaserch papers.
Couldn't Dex come any time sooner to tell them this?! That idiot! It's not simple to make a perfect soldier who will obey them and have this power and...So much things! Again she took few other papers and finally rested on one place.-We can do this right? It won't be that hard, it's only one person. I mean, soldier.
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Invisible Ink

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:11 pm

Invisible Ink wrote:Nina stood up fixing her coat.-He was here and he wasn't joking.-she said rushing from one corner of the lab to another one.-A test subject. We need one now. Oh God, it's 10 all ready?! No, we have only 6 hours to make it perfect. We haven't practised. What if we do something wrong. No, no, no!-she screamed again holding some reaserch papers.
Couldn't Dex come any time sooner to tell them this?!  That idiot! It's not simple to make a perfect soldier who will obey them and have this power and...So much things! Again she took few other papers and finally rested on one place.-We can do this right? It won't be that hard, it's only one person. I mean, soldier.

Tom got up and patted Nina on the shoulder (lolz, pats x3). "Don't worry, we'll just make a prototype and perfect it later, Dex isn't that crazy, he'll forgive us if it's not perfect...though we doo need to do alot of things and do it fast, we need to organize ourselves... as you said, we need a test subject, and we can use Dex's old reaserch papers to fit in the pieces thjat will make it into a super soldier by six o clock, I think we can do it! Though it really does seem imposible..." Tom said with a nervouse smile at the end.

[Btw - from 10 to 6 there are 8 hours, and from 12 to 6 there are 6 hours x3 lol, but it doesn't matter, it just gives us more time to make this soldier thing x3]

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by nothisisnotjas Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:16 pm

Arseniy observed the other rebels as they mingled about, most of them shady figures clad in black, whispering in rushed tones and codenames, speculating on their faith and the reasons for the upcoming meeting. As Arseniy pondered about the women and men rounding up in the room, Neo entered, and suddenly all faces turned to him, expecting his next move. He was their leader after all. But, instead of saying some inspiring speech or telling everyone to commit suicide because it's finally over, he leaned in closer to Arseniy, whispering something. Arseniy was both confused and intrigued- what could it be that the leader wanted to tell him?
"I, uh, the last time was- A long while ago. I... Are you feeling weak?"
He felt a sudden pang of worriedness, afraid of something happening to Neo. It was just becaus he was their leader, of course. Of course...

Last edited by nothisisnotjas on Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Invisible Ink Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:20 pm

[matematika 0 bodova ok]

-Yes. You're right. Do you know where he keeps those papers?-she said and opened her eyes even more. Like kid who's expecting candy.-Where do we even start?-moving away from him she gazed over the lab searching for the anwser. The papers she was holding were starting to get messy for she was holding them really tightly. She was prepared for a day like this but now that it was here, she was afraid she would screw something up!
Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by Ziakira Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:27 pm

nothisisnotjas wrote:Arseniy observed the other rebels as they mingled about, most of them shady figures clad in black, whispering in rushed tones and codenames, speculating on their faith and the reasons for the upcoming meeting. As Arseniy pondered about the women and men rounding up in the room, neo entered, and suddenly all faces turned to him, expecting his next move. He was their leader after all. But, instead of saying some inspiring speech or telling everyone to commit suicide because it's finally over, he leaned in closer to Arseniy, whispering something. Arseniy was both confused and intrigued- what could it be that the leader wanted to tell him?
"I, uh, the last time was- A long while ago. I... Are you feeling weak?"
He felt a sudden pang of worriedness, afraid of something happening to Neo. It was just becaus he was their leader, of course. Of course...

"Yeah, weak and tired, I fear I won't be able to see us through this..." Neo said. The other began to chatter, wondering what was going on. "We should both get a shot after the meeting, this is dangerous, we both need our strength." Neo said. He suprised himself. He knew he often talked to people he didnt know very well as if they were his close friend,s but he felt as if he were overdoing it this time, or perhaps it just felt akward for some reason...he wasnt sure...

Invisible Ink wrote:[matematika 0 bodova ok]

-Yes. You're right. Do you know where he keeps those papers?-she said and opened her eyes even more. Like kid who's expecting candy.-Where do we even start?-moving away from him she gazed over the lab searching for the anwser. The papers she was holding were starting to get messy for she was holding them really tightly. She was prepared for a day like this but now that it was here, she was afraid she would screw something up!

"Don;t worry, I never told him, but when we just started working at this lab, I found out about his drawer and where he keeps the key...don't tell him I know, he'll kill me and burn the drawer..." Tom said with a laugh, trying to keep the atmosphere calm. He went over to the drawer, opened the one beneeth it, took a key from underneeth and unlocked Dex's drawer. He took a few papers but saw they weren;t what he was looking for ans tes them aside. After some time, he finally found what he was looking for - plans to create artificial life, not artifical inteligenc, artificial life...

"Here it is! Now quick, we need to get all the things we need...!" Tom said as if he were a boyscout anunding a scavanger hunt, he tended to get childish in certan stresful situations - it helped him calm down.

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The Injection - Page 2 Empty Re: The Injection

Post by nothisisnotjas Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:35 pm

Arseniy just nodded, half because it was an order from their leader, and half because he felt like he really needed it. That running from earlier nearly killed him, even though he'd be able to pull it off without a problem earlier. No matter how much he denied it, he needed a shot- no, no, he needed food. Nutrition. That's what he needed.
"I agree, sir- Neo. I agree. Now go and hold the meeting- the people are waiting."
He sat with baited breath, waiting for Neo to begin. How was he going to go about this anyway? 'Hey guys, we're getting attacked maybe or maybe not, don't sweat it but we might die'? Ah, he'll figure it out. Neo always... had a way with words.

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